Tribute to Iolani Luahine, Maui 2005
This HPS panel program was held to honor Hula Master Iolani Luahine. Her students Uncle George Naope and Auntie Queenie Ventura Dowsett, along with filmmaker Tip Davis whom captured Auntie on film in the 1970s, share memories and experiences of the illustrious "Auntie ʻIo".
Here you will find materials related to this particular event. Use the carousel above to navigate through:
- Photographs from this event
- Transcript of this event
Additional resources on individual kupuna are available, including materials from oral history sessions and PDF Footage Lists of other video captured by HPS.
Ka Aha Hula ʻO Hālauaola: World Conference on Hula; Maui Arts & Cultural Center; Kahului, Pūʻali Komohana, MauiKa Aha Hula ʻO Hālauaola: World Conference on Hula; Maui Arts & Cultural Center; Kahului, Pūʻali Komohana, Maui